Is it going to be a traditional Portuguese or Norwegian wedding?

Prepare for some of the best/worst of either🙂, plus some elements from other traditions.

National costumes are encouraged! 

Is there a dress code?

For Saturday we expect our guests to look at their best. However, we are more flexible after darkness. If you feel you cannot stand the high heels all day and night long, do bring flats!

How is the weather?

Summers in the region can be really hot. Do expect warm weather during the day. You may, however, wish to bring a light jacket for the night as it might get cold. 

Is there a wedding gift list?

Your attendance on our big day is the greatest gift of all. However, should you like to buy us a gift or support our honeymoon, we would like to suggest that you consider doing so by cash or any of the below modalities considering our nomadic residence and our limited opportunities to carry anything with us. Mathilda Arika and her equipment are already heavy enough!

Anders – IBAN: LT41 3250 0451 5546 3193 | Revolut @anderskb | Norsk konto: 9713 47 56121 / Vipps: +4740093072
Raquel – IBAN: PT50003521110000677360007 | MBWay – 910266008 | Revolut @raquelrdob | UNFCU available upon request

Will there be any throwing of rice or similar?

Hell no! And absolutely no confetti to protect the environment and the animals residing at the estate.  

When will I need to arrive to attend the wedding?

Officially, the wedding will commence on Saturday at 5pm, hence it is possible to arrive on Saturday to Evora

May I bring my kids?

Of course you can bring your kids! However, we are unsure if we will be providing a babysitter/animation for kids.

The estate has many animals to be admired from appropriate distance.

Will there be parking at the venue?

There is plenty of space to park your car/rented vehicle!

And if I can no longer attend the wedding?

Let’s all do our part to minimize food and alcohol waste! Please let us know ASAP if we you can no longer attend and no later than 30 April.